Monday, December 14, 2009

Leap Beyond Your Limits


"I am so ready to get way out of my open to very new possibilities that I wouldn't have considered as possible before... What is the main thing you suggest for stepping out into that unknown and opening beyond the limiting beliefs? I am beginning to see past those edges right now and I am really starting to feel past them.
-Releasing the Illusion

Dear Releasing,
Sounds like you are right in the pocket of pioneering into new territory. I have to echo what Jedi Master, Yoda says "Already know you that which you need."

The main thing I suggest these days is taking massive action with heart.
"It isn't enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box." Tim Ferriss
  • Combine pragmatism and prayer.
  • Clear and open space (emotionally, physically, energetically, mentally).
  • Create ritual that aligns your intention with the powers that BE.
  • Speak the unspeakable-to your self and others. Tell the truth.
  • Give yourself permission to change and reinvent whatever is not serving you.
  • Shake it all up. Surrender and leap!
Try out this Mantra: from The Heart Sutra.
Gate (Ga-Tay) Gate Para Gate Parasam Gate Bodhi Svaha.
Loosely translated as, Gone, Gone, Gone Beyond, Completely Gone Beyond, Enlightenment, Hail.

Your deep self knows exactly what you need. Listen and respond. Follow the dreaming, and your path of heart. Envision and FEEL yourself in a fulfilling place of new possibilities. Then, radiate that feeling out into the world. Let this motivate, inspired, non reactive, radical, right action. I trust that soon you will be savoring the juicy fruits of leaping into the Unknown.

Happy Trails, "Releasing"! The illusion has been shattered.
What you seek is seeking you. Bodhi Svaha


  1. Gabriela and Releasing,

    This post has come at a perfect time. Thank you for the reflection. I too am ready for possibilities I had not thought possible before. And letting go of limiting beliefs.

    I feel I am having a paradigm shift about what I believe and know is possible. I am visioning something huge for myself and the vision expands every day.

    And yet, I must acknowledge the part of myself that fears and doubts. As the part of me that dwells in possibility grows larger everyday, there is still a valid part that is scared and unsure.

    Gabriela, do you have any suggestions for assuring this part that everything is ok?

    Thank you for the quote from Tim Ferris. "It isn't enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box."

    I appreciate that reminder so much.

    Thank you for the inspiration your blog has given me.

    Truly Thankful,

  2. Reading this in retrospect after making series intentions of my own consciousness of self-sabotage. Checking myself and bringing in the clarity of expansion into EVERY mOMent. Finding all the patterns and reflexes that mimic mediocrity, and releasing them to the Grace and Flow of the Divine. Letting them fizzle in my Truth of Perfection and Potential.
    I am thankful for your words for they propel me on my path.
    Much Love and Respect,
    Jessie Rey


Always Happy to Hear from YOU! Thanks, One Love!