Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bhakti Masala Earth Anthem

Beautiful  Beings!
I gratefully present to you the Bhakti Masala Earth Anthem ! This inspiring short video and joyful song are the first release from our album, Home, debuting in just a few weeks!  I composed the featured song, Golden Rain,  while watching my daughter and hubs play in the rain as sunbeams, rainbows, birds, breeze and a vast green canopy of vibrant life emerged like a symphony of color and sound.  The Earth is so BEAUTIFUL, and life such a precious gift to savor. Heaven on Earth...Available in this moment, Now! Carpe Diem!

Enjoy this tasty multimedia One Love Nugget and share it liberally!  Stay posted for the Bhakti Masala album release. Love you all!

Thrive Thrive Thrive!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sowing Seeds of LOVE

"Give what you want the most".

This pearl of wisdom, offered by my sister, Vanessa Stone, sang out in my awareness this week as I considered a creative way to share the remaining 400 Inner Wealth Decks sitting dormant in my garage.

What I wanted the most  in creating this expressive arts toolkit was to inspire creative freedom and expression from the depths of the normalize that flourishing our creative genius is a birthright, a life giving, healing process, not a privilege for a chosen few.

I decided to give away all the decks to educators serving women and youth.  I put the word out on Face Book...and voila, 24 hours later, they were all claimed!

Now, they are on their way, from coast to coast to yoga teachers, therapists, alternative school educators, retreat leaders and facilitators of programs for teens, moms, daughters and incarcerated women.  All those seeds of love, sown!  I trust these seeds will spark creativity and bear fruit everywhere they go!
Now every Inner Wealth Deck ever printed will find its way into someones hands and help direct them to their uniquely beautiful heart's expression.

May all beings feel the freedom to explore and express their love.
Give what you want the most!
Sow your seeds of love!
Blessed New Moon.
Thrive and Shine,