Thursday, January 20, 2011

Your Precious Attention- A One Love Nugget

  • Where will you place your precious attention? What we attend to flourishes.
  • Water the Root, Zenjoy the Fruit

Monday, January 17, 2011

Prune Your Life-A One Love Nugget

Prune Your Life.
I mean it.
Take a sober look and cut away all that no longer serves you or gives you life.
Put all distractions, clutter, commitments, outgrown forms and agreements into the offering bowl.
Then, pause. Water and watch.
What IS ALIVE in you will take deeper root.
Flourish and Fruit,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Embodied Grace and Living Divine Love

2011. What is your word? What is your focus?
My word of the year is GRACE, and my focus: to live a life of divine love. Would you like to join me in steeping in divine being met in the deepest heart of being?

My dear God sister, Vanessa Stone, is living and modeling this reality. She will be here, in Tucson, January 7, 8, 9, offering evening sittings and an afternoon immersion. Ready to be touched to the core? Quickened, potentized, melted open in love and truth? Then please, join us!

"Vanessa Stone is a teacher, healer, author, artist, humanitarian and founder of the Amala Foundation, a non-profit organization working to create sustainable peace within and without. Vanessa has devoted her life to global humanitarian service and sharing her message that 'your Life is your spiritual path,' inspiring individuals and communities around the world to unite in peace and loving service."

In Vanessa's company, I feel the presence of saints, mystics, sages and universal teachings from every wisdom tradition . She is one of my primary inspirations in waking up to a lived experience of unity consciousness and serving humanity through a sustainable peace movement.

Her teachings are easily accessible, with straight talk and loving kindness. They are generously offered with a clean transmission.

"Vanessa's teaching inspires the realization that there is no true separation, that all beings have a direct contact with what is real and alive at the heart of all matter. Events with Vanessa are a celebration of remembrance, recognition, and gratitude."

I offer you this opportunity, this blessing. Give yourself the gift of showing up .

Please comment to the blog or email me directly if you have any questions. And a special shout out of gratitude to Bronwin, Darren and Rachel at Yoga Oasis (my fave yoga studio in the Universe) for generously hosting the upcoming sittings! Blessings upon you and the whole Yoga Oasis Kula!