Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Gifts of the Flu-A One Love Nugget

After 2 days of feeling quite miserable , I finally surrendered to the obvious: I had a flu bug and no amount of simply slowing down my mega tasking and keeping a bright attitude (I was not sick! Just a little under the weather!) was going to keep it from flattening me. I got flattened.

Here's what I also got:

  • Healing sleep, dreaming and integration time to digest big changes in my life.
  • Much needed practice in asking for help and being nurtured.
  • An opportunity to Stop, Drop and Flop ,allowing deeper waves of emotion to flow. I wept till I laughed. Coming undone felt so liberating.
  • A phat piece of humble pie. Vulnerability, like connection are queen!
  • A huge dose of gratitude and awe for hubs & daughter and their devotional, sweet love.
The Universe is generous. I am a believer...we always get what we most need.



    I'm reminded of one of my favorite songs. Frou Frou - Let Go

    "Cause there's beauty in the breakdown"
    "Oh, it's so amazing here"

    Holding you in my heart. I love you!


  2. You have such a gift for taking life in all it;s forms into real, totally relevant, wisdom, I love you!

  3. Thanks Camille, and Kenya,
    I love being held in your hearts! And I agree there is great beauty in breakdown.

  4. Gratitude for the gifts! Hope you're feeling better!

  5. As I read your nuggets below the one about humility
    rang familiar through my body. In class today I had humility wash over me and if felt so sweet,
    felt like letting go, and was a letting go of control. I still feel feels good.

  6. Gratitude! That is Queen too! Thanks for your well wishes, Tammy! xxx


Always Happy to Hear from YOU! Thanks, One Love!